Digital Marketing for Roofing Contractors 

Grow your roofing company with a digital marketing agency that specializes in residential and commercial roofing marketing. 
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Grow Your Roofing Company with us

Let's go over some of the most common challenges roofing contractors face today.
Download your free guide to online marketing. A comprehensive look at everything your roofing/home service company needs to grow.
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Lead Generation

When it comes to lead generation, keywords is what everything is built upon . . . your web and landing pages, blog posts, offers, emails, even the conversations you have with your customers. DigiKai will set up the keywords to be as specic as we can by targeting the keywords that will generate the highest quality lead.

How Your Customers Connect with You

Depending on how you want to chat with your customers, we place a call button or a chat box on your website, set up your chat box on your Google Maps listing, and place your contact button on the most utilized secions of your webiste. By using a heat map, we know exactly what sections of your website are getting the most traffic.

Your Competition

As you already know, there is a lot of competition in the home services niche. To differentiate your company from your competition, we focus on tailoring your message, your brand, and your reputation towards what prospects care about most. We take a more personable approach here, connecting with people's emotions.


Our SEO service is a top-notch service for the home service industry that will bring you to the top page of Google and other search engines increasing your visibility to potential customers. Our Google Business Profile Management service will also improve your visibility in local searches to many people ready to book a service you offer. Our Pay-per-Click Advertising or Google Ads service will bring you targeted leads and conversions.
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Industries We Win For

Home Services


If you want to grow your roofing company, digital marketing can help you in many ways.

Search engine optimization (SEO)

We will make you more visible to your potential roofing customers in search engines like Google and Bing.

Focusing on the right keywords

DigiKai will set up the keywords to be as specic as we can by targeting the keywords that will generate the highest quality lead.

Strong brand exposure

We put you in the spotlight. Whether on search engines or social media, DigiKai Marketing will strive to increase awareness of your roofing company and brand..everywhere.

Solid local presence

Dominate your local presence for your roofing company.  We will be there to solidify your presence in your target geo market, and get you more positive reviews.

Promotion of services in various channels

We have a team of experts in the home service industry, so we can customize your strategy to fit your unique needs.

Capture and close more leads

The key to your success is grabbing as many potential leads as possible for your roofing company.

Experience the DigiKai Difference

We understand you may have been burned before by digital marketing agencies promising the world with little to no results with your hard earned dollars. Unfortuantley, we see this all of the time. DigiKai Marketing prides ourselves on delivering results and doing things the RIGHT way. We don't do "Blackhat SEO". Blackhat SEO is an unethical tactic used to get higher search engine rankings, which results in a penalty by search engines. This is used by SEO companies promising SEO for only $299/month often. The cheaper price is not worth the risk of getting your website suspended by Google. 
DigiKai Marketing has restored the fatih in SEO and PPC for many companies who have been burned in the past. We not only show you why your previous campaigns did not work, we fix it for you. Our goal is to restore your trust in digital marketing by being transparent, ethical, and most importantly, driving real results. 

Digital marketing works when it is done correctly. Schedule your free strategy call and see for yourself what makes us different and how much we truly care about getting your digital marketing campaigns, real results. 
Schedule Your Free Strategy CallWhat is "Black hat SEO"?
Our clients tell it best...
  • "I can was VERY hesitant at first looking for an SEO company for our solar shades company. We have been burned three times. MJ was professional, explained in great detail about what we needed and how it’s done and actually made it happen. Our website went from an F to an A and we even had a much greater ROI On our ads still since DigiKa fixed our website and ran our ads. All Star Solar Shades highly recommends working with DigiKai Marketing if you want results!"
    Chris Alvarez
    All Star Solar Shades
  • "Digikai has been amazing on building my website . I was nervous at first . All I can say is !
    Thank you for holding my hand and walking me through the process. I am very happy with the web site that was created for my business. Mendy was Very professional from the beginning to the end . Thank you Digikai , Service was above and beyond!"
    Texhans Lawn Care
  • "DigiKai Marketing helped me get my business Sweetland Contracting and Remodeling, off the ground. Mendy is an honest person who made me feel comfortable with my decision to partner with them. The whole team has helped me tremendously and I will continue to do business with them as my company grows."
    Sweetland Contracting
  • "Im part owner of a Roofing company and DigiKai helped us with our website and SEO and manages our Google My Business. So far we are pleased and look forward to DigiKai helping our Roofing company grow."
    Ramiro Cortina
    Reality Roofing

We'd like to say we are trustworthy, transparent, and totally awesome!

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